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Day 1 (actual date unknown)

As I stepped out the door of the clinic someone shouted "there he is!". By reflex I pulled the combat shotgun and crouched, then I winced. It's those darn Talon mercs again. And they are pretty well armed...

But I am better. I switched to my trusted Wanda, the customized assault rifle I picked up at Regulators a while back, and send a burst into the closest threat... the merc with a combat knife charging me. Dogmeat jumped into action and is engaging 2nd merc with a combat shotgun, also rushing in. The third merc with the laser rifle is taking potshots at me, but from a bit further away.

My regulator duster is good, but not laser proof. I wait until the knife merc got closer, than put a burst of 5.56 into his nogging with a bit of help from my VATS. He goes down, half of his head missing.

I took a few laser hits and I can feel the scorch marks, but I need to help Dogmeat. I sprinted to the bus shelter which provided cover from the laser, then targeted the shotgun merc's legs. Two bursts, and she's limping. Dogmeat knocked her over and tore her throat out before she can scream.

The laser merc started to engage Dogmeat instead. Dang, they are fast as they are on the other side of the plaza while I took a breather and assess the situation. There is adequate cover if I flank the merc. Dogmeat took multiple laser hits and I can smell the fur burning. Argh! I sprinted toward the duo, but angled around the subway sign he's hiding behind. I shot his right arm (I was aiming for his torso!)  the laser rifle flew out of his grasp. He tried to pull another weapon, but Dogmeat clamped onto his man parts. He oofed with no breath to take a scream, and I put him out of his misery with a burst to the skull.

I scan the area, but it's now a nice and quiet evening, for a Wasteland evening, that is. I gave Dogmeat a stimpak, and took one myself. Those initial surprise laser hits are NOT nice, and I was hurt. Fortunately, Dogmeat's injuries are less than expected, due to the leather armor I picked up for him at Craterside from that last run. I dutifully collected the fingers from the mercs as Regulators do pay a minor bounty on them. The laser merc was the Talon sergeant, and I knew before I searched him, he has the contract with my name on it.

Oh, wait, where are my manners? My apologies. I am still new to this Pipboy recorder thing. I am Roger Wilco. Technically it's Roger Williams, but everybody called me Wilco for some reason. It kinda stuck.

I have no idea who my parents are. Uncle Owen raised me, and he was a Regulator, hunting bad guys in the wastelands. According to my uncle, raiders got them, probably for revenge. My uncle was a regulator too, and we ate okay. We've been to the regulator HQ a few times. I've even met Sonora Cruz. Uncle Owen trained me in guns, and I followed him when it's safe to do so. Until one day...

I remember following him. I was about 17 at the time, almost a full lad. I lugged a backpack myself, and I had my own hunting rifle. We were at the field when he noticed something, turned around, and told me to run for that abandoned shack behind us, even as he fired a couple laser pistol shots into the grass. I ran, and he was right behind me. I heard click-clack sounds, and I shivered. It was a giant radscorpion. Then I heard my uncle trip and fell. Then a scream. I pulled out my hunting rifle and turned around. The radscorpion's claws clamped on my uncle's leg, and its stinger was about to deliver the killing blow.

I suddenly recalled the Pipboy VATS mode and engaged it. I aimed and fired at the head of the giant radscorpion. It was temporarily stunned, but it didn't stop, but that gave me enough time to put another two shots straight through its tiny brain. It stopped, finally dead.

I combat dragged my uncle to the shack, looking for any additional threats, but did not see any. That was when I saw his injury. The radscorpion's claw had taken Uncle Owen's leg off below the knee. There was nothing I can do except a tourniquet, and it did not stop the bleeding.

I made him comfortable.  We had used our last stim two days ago when we ran into a swarm of bloatflies, and we're out of food. That's why we were foraging. Radscorpions don't have any edible meat... they only have poison sacs. They sell well, but it was of no use to us now. And there was nothing in the shed either to help. We shared the latest of our water.

My uncle told me to be strong, and go see Sonora Cruz myself. It was time I become a regulator. He told me to take his regulator duster, and everything else useful from him, including his laser pistol. Then he lapsed into unconsciousness and never woke up.

I buried him next to the shed. Actually, all I could do was find a lot of rocks and piled it on top of him. I don't really want the wild creatures to feast on him, but it was probably a futile gesture. Nature will do what it will.

It took me a full day's walk to reach Regulator HQ.  Sonora was immediately recognizable as only she wore that "cowboy" hat.  I guess what had happened was obvious from the expresson on my face, for Sonora just hugged me.  It was a motherly hug, if I knew what that was.

"He was a great man, and a great Regulator," Sonora said.

I merely nodded.

"Do you want to be a regulator?"

I nodded again.

"And you shall be. I am issuing you a new duster, do what you will with it, use it to repair yours if you want.  Oh, and here's something for you... wait here."

Moments later, Sonora returned with an assault rifle, except this one is not old and pitted, but actually well maintained. There was a name on the stock "Wanda".

"It used to belong to your uncle Owen. He retired from active regulating to raise you. We've used it a few times, but we've kept it for you. He wanted you to have it. However, I don't have any ammo. We used them all a month ago when some raiders attacked us from the armory. "

I nodded, tears about to leak from my eyes. I swiped them away.

"Who's Wanda?"

"I have no idea," Sonora replied, "He never told me."

I nodded one more time.

"Any more questions?"

"Do you know how I got my Pip-boy?"

"No I don't. I knew you were wearing it first time you showed up here like 7 years ago."

"Okay, thanks."

"Now, it's time to formally add you to the roster of Regulators. Raise your right hand like this and repeat after me. I do solemnly swear..."

I repeated the words by rote, and was soon congratulated by the few regulators around the area. I even drank beer and tried the knife throwing game, except I was horrible at it. I can't get my wrist flick quite right. But I preferred guns any way.

I slept in the Regualtor HQ's bunk bed for that night.  I had a lot of questions on my mind.

Who was uncle Owen really?

Who were my real parents?

Why would I have a Pip-boy when only vault dwellers are supposed to have them?