NOTE: Meta notes are notes about the actual gameplay, not about the lore or the fictionalized account.
Wanda was cut content from FO3 but put back in by Custom Beginnings. It was lying next to the knife throwing target in Regulator HQ.
Custom Beginnings lets you pick various careers as a start and I chose Regulators. It starts you off with a laser pistol, about 30 rounds of ammo, and a regulator duster, nothing else. The rest is up to you. I made up Uncle Owen for the lore.
Wanda was cut content from FO3 but put back in by Custom Beginnings. It was lying next to the knife throwing target in Regulator HQ.
Custom Beginnings lets you pick various careers as a start and I chose Regulators. It starts you off with a laser pistol, about 30 rounds of ammo, and a regulator duster, nothing else. The rest is up to you. I made up Uncle Owen for the lore.