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Day 2 Continued

I walked back to Bethesda West and went through the building again, stripping all raiders of their gear and armor, and mutual repair. I also picked up any other loot lying I around I collected earlier. Took me a while to walk back and forth between there and Megaton, but I was able to get enough caps to repair damages to my duster and my preferred weapons: Wanda, hunting rifle, and 10mm SMG I picked up earlier. However, by then, it's already past noon.

I heard from the eatery that there are raiders to the North. They said last time they attacked, Lucas put a bullet through the leader's skull, which is why they fled and hadn't been back. I decided to head up to the saloon to see if there's any truth to that.

Moriarty's is dark, as most bars are, and I was somewhat surprised to see a ghoul behind the bar. I had seen them on my travels with uncle Owen, and even shot a few feral ones myself, but I didn't know Megaton had one. I was contemplating that when a woman approached me.

"Hi, I am Nova. New to Megaton, huh? Do yourself a favor and keep walking. Some of us stay for a few days, and then it's five years later..."

I shrugged. Her sob story ain't my problem. I doubt I'll stay long anyway.

"I'm told you're the person to see if I wanted a room," I replied.

"It'd be 120 caps a night, dearie. Me included. You're so young, kid. Bet you I can teach you some stuff you'd never forget. So, what about it?"

I shook my head. 120 caps for a bed? It's highway robbery (not that there are highways anymore), even though Nova does show a figure under that leathery outfit. Yes, I've seen prewar books featuring naked women. Uncle Owen had a collection too until we needed it to start a fire to keep us warm that winter.

"Maybe later, it's still daylight," I countered gently.

I did not miss the look of disappointment in her eyes, and her glance to a blonde guy wearing a black vest off to the side.

"Who's that?" I gestured with my chin.

"Who? Oh, that's Colin, Colin Moriarty. Owns the place, and technically my boss," Nova started to fidget.

"Tell you what, let me buy you a drink."

With a hand on the small of her back, I guided her to one of the stools and sat down myself. I can practically sense the relief coming from her. I motioned for the ghoul barkeep to come over, but he was hesitant as if I was going to hit him, as he crept closer, cringing, ready to bolt.

"I just want a drink, barkeep. What's your name?"

"Wait... You're not gonna hit me? Yell at me? Not even berate me a little?"

"Why would I do that? I frowned."

"Well now. that's the surprise. I'm used to every asshole smoothskin in this town giving me shit just because I look like a corpse.  Name's Gob. Gobtholemew actually, but nobody can say it right. Just call me Gob."

"Hi, Gob. Now, about that drink?"

Gob leaned in and stage-whispered, "Listen, the boss would have my head if he caught me selling at a discount, but for you, I'll risk it."

I just nodded, and added, "Whatever the lady wants, and a whiskey for me."

I see Nova smiling, and I can guess her job, in addition to enticing people into spending caps for a room with her services, also includes making men pay for drinks. I swore they gave me an itty bitty cup of whiskey when I can salvage whiskey from the Wastes. I think I have one in my satchel, not that I'd pull it out now, of course.

I noticed the blonde guy had walked outside, so I asked Nova, "So, tell me about you."

"I... I've been here for a while. I owe Colin some money, and I'm working it off. As soon as I've done that, I am leaving. This place is safe, but I've had enough of it. "

"What about Gob?"

"Same idea, except Gob was a slave, I think. He was here long before I got here. Why don't you ask him?"

"Maybe later."

I stook up, counted out two stacks of 25 caps, and left it on the table. It was way more than I should have left, but then, I'm a sucker for sob stories.

I was about to reach for the door when a guy called out to me from the left.

"Kid, a moment of your time."

"Yes?" I turned around, and faced the man sitting in a chair in the corner.

He had a formalwear on, with tie and even a fedora. Interesting.

"I am Mr. Burke, and I represent certain... interests. You are not a resident of this putrescent cesspool. That makes you a rather valuable individual.  I am happy to make your acquaintance."

I raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"The undetonated bomb for which this town is named is still very much alive. All it needs is a little... motivation."

I frowned, not liking where this conversation is going.

"I have in my possession a fusion pulse charge, constructed for a single purpose... the detonation of that bomb."

I kept my face neutral, even as I kept my anger down. How dare he be so callous toward survivors, just because their clothes are grimier than his?

"You'll rig it to the bomb, then you'll be paid handsomely. What do you say?"

My scowl must have leaked because Burke's face turned dark, then sad.

"You're a sick man, Burke. This conversation is over," I replied coldly.

"It seems I've misjudged you. Very well, I'll simply find someone with more entrepreneurial spirit. Good day."  Burke dismissed me with a wave of his hand, and went back to chomp on his cigar.

I stomped out of the saloon, seeing red. Raiders at least make some sense... But blowing up Megaton? WTF.  I walked down toward the bomb, just as I saw Lucas Simms.

"Yo, sheriff, got a minute?"

"Yes, of course. You're not causing any trouble, are you?"

"Not me, but Mr. Burke may be. He just offered me a ton of caps to blow up the bomb."

"WHAT?!" Lucas roared, then realized his mistake when two settlers looked at him funny. "I mean, do you have any proof?"

"Other than what I can tell you? No. We just talked. I rejected the offer, as I promised you I'd defuse it. But I feel sooner or later he'll find someone who'll do it before I can defuse it."

"Good point. Come with me. You're about to get an education in Wasteland justice."

Lucas Simms stalked off, gun ready. I followed gun out too. I chose the 10mm SMG, but I hope I didn't have to use it.

We arrived at the Saloon, and Simms just went straight through. Everybody else backed away.

"Burke! Explain yourself!"  Simms barked.

Burke looked at me with disgust, then turned back to Simms with a smile, "Why, sheriff, to what do I owe the displeasure?"

"The bomb! You want to blow it up! Have you lost your goddamned mind?"

Burke shook his head sadly as if it was Simms that lost his mind, "Sheriff, I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding. Someone has clearly been spreading rumors. I'll be sure to address the situation personally."

"You're coming with me, Burke, at least until I know what the hell's going on around here." Simms's eyes narrowed as if daring Burke to make a move. Burke, however, is still leaned back in the chair, relaxed, as of nothing's the matter.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to oblige your request, sheriff. Now, tell those goons of yours to step aside."

"It's not open for discussion, Burke!"  Simms barked, "Get up, now!

Burke sighed, "What is it with your knuckledraggers always insist on doing things the hard way?" he stood up slowly. "Fine, lead the way."

Simms turned around to part through the crowd.  But my eyes was on Burke, and when he reached behind his back, under the jacket, I knew what he was going for.

I yelled "Gun!" and I pumped a 10mm burst into Burke's temple. He collapsed onto the little table, and a silence 10mm slipped from his grasp, just as Simms turned around, his assault rifle finally out, only to see it's been taken care of.

There was no need to summon Doc Church. My three rounds, at point-blank range, had left Burke without much of a head, much less face.

Simms muttered, "I must be getting slow in my old age..."

I reached into Burke's pockets, and produced a key. "Shall we check his room, Sheriff?"

Simms nodded. "Let's go," even as he pocketed the silenced pistol.

We walked to Burke's house, and I used the key to get inside. It didn't have much in it, but the fusion pulse charge was in a suitcase near his bed. Simms took it, and shook his head. "Damn, I can't believe Tenpenny would stoop so low."

I spotted some tech on the shelf. It appears to be a night vision device. I know power armor have night vision... but I've never seen a personal portable one. I asked Simms.

"Sheriff, what do you make of this?"

"It's yours. I'd give you this house, except this house actually belongs to Moriarty. Take whatever you want before I lock it up again. Oh, and take the pistol too. I have no use for it."

I mumbled thanks. Having night vision is going to help tremendously even without any power armor, as exploration often involves dark buildings and caves and whatnot. But other than the two night-vision devices, there was nothing else really worth taking.

Simms locked the door and put a "seal" on it. It's just a sign. Someone with a good lockpick will probably get through it with no problem, but it's at least, official.

"I can't thank you enough, young man, for saving my life."

"We Regulators have to stick together."  I clapped him on the shoulder.

"I'd buy you a drink, but my son is expecting me at home."

"Another time, perhaps."

"Right, thanks again."

Simms walked off, and I took a breath. I didn't realize there was that much intrigue even inside the town walls.
